Ballarat Winter Festival

EyeJack took an immersive art experience to the City of Ballarat to celebrate the annual Winter Festival.

Revealing the hidden stories of the laneways, buildings and streets of Ballarat, EyeJack collaborated with six local artists to bring their special artworks to life through augmented reality. The inaugural Ballarat Activated ArtWalk allowed viewers to look at the stories and search beneath the surface of the city and of the people that have lived, loved and continue to make the tales of Ballarat, this was all made possible through the EyeJack app. 

The Activated ArtWalk was supported by the Winteractive Arcade which hosted a variety of immersive art experiences for all ages.  From a massive multiplayer game of Snake, to interactive finger painting and stories the arcade was a playground for all to enjoy. 

Tech/Art lovers were able to immerse themselves in AR exhibitions, get creative with Tilt Brush, or just check out what is cool right now with AR in fashion.

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